100 Years of Innovation

The 1920s was a decade full of inventions, change, and social revolution. Here is a sampling of inventions from over 100 years ago that are still used in households worldwide today.

1922: Electric Beverage Mixer
If you’re a fan of smoothies, milkshakes, or protein shakes, you can thank the Twenties. Invented by Stephen J. Poplawski, the electric blender made its debut in 1922.

1923: Home Radio
Radio communication became an important tool during World War 1. After the war, every household wanted in on the fun. During the 1920s, civilians were able to purchase radios for news and enterntainment.

1924: Vacuum
The vacuum became a common household product in the 1920s. There were earlier versions, but the Twenties produced machines that were more user-friendly and efficient.

1920–1925: Motion Pictures
Motion pictures were all the rage in the 1920s. Silent films were popular during the early 1920s. The first motion picture with sound, The Jazz Singer, was released in 1927. These new sound movies were known as “talkies”.

1928: The Inflatable Life Preserver
The 1920s were also a time for water safety. The inflatable life preserver was invented in 1928 by Peter Markus. Some people even built life jackets out of bike tires, like the ones shown here.

1925: Ford Automobile
Automobiles were invented in the late 1800s, but it was in the 1920s that they became popular. Henry Ford’s assembly line helped cars become widely available and affordable.
Essential Questions:
In what ways did these new inventions or styles change the world? What invention, change, or social movement from the 1920s do you think had the greatest impact on the world? Why?
For cross-curricular and interdisciplinary activities and scaffolded lesson plans, check out The 1920's Issue.
The 1920s Issue: Volume 1.3
In this issue, students will jump into the roaring twenties. The 20s were a time of change, socially and politically. For the first time, many Americans owned cars and more people lived in cities than on farms. For many, these changes brought conflict and turmoil and for others it was a time of celebration.